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Mini-Course Example Title Here

In this "mini-course" you'll learn tons of useful stuff without having to waste a bunch of time.

Setup mini-courses like this where all of the course content is simply on one page (no lessons).  It’s a great way to have some free mini-courses or maybe just cheaper options compared to your larger courses!

Swine sirloin short ribs bresaola ham. Add links, they look great too.  Ham tenderloin spare ribs t-bone pig short ribs jowl jerky ground round pastrami corned beef bacon chicken porchetta. Drumstick alcatra ham, meatloaf hamburger short ribs kevin ribeye tri-tip cow chuck leberkas porchetta jerky.

Bacon ribeye leberkas pancetta. Pancetta salami swine meatball, tenderloin fatback boudin ham short loin biltong pork chop kevin picanha landjaeger jowl.

Doner pancetta pork sirloin andouille. Ground round tongue ball tip cupim. Ribeye bresaola pork chop shank sirloin flank, brisket landjaeger ham leberkas drumstick boudin. Pastrami short ribs porchetta swine, kielbasa landjaeger picanha cupim tenderloin rump sirloin turkey jerky chuck andouille.

Add as many videos as you’d like.

This is simply a one-page course – we call it a “mini course,” but you can call it an elephant tusk if you want.  Whatever you call it, it’s the best way to get your first course live so you can get some sales, grow your following and get the positive encouragement you need to create even more courses!

Don’t let content keep you down!

You can do it.  Seriously.  Once you start your Course Cats free trial, you’ll get instant access to our theme as well as our step-by-step videos that will show you how to drop in your content and start selling your course.

You probably want more?  View other demo courses


What's your favorite animal?

Hm.  I’d have to say I like bears, but it’s tough to nail down a favorite.  Bears are the first predators I ever came across when backpacking for the first time so they have a special place to me.  Wolves are pretty sweet though too – they’re so much like humans, it’s crazy.

Why do we have FAQs?

This is 100% optional.  You can add FAQs on individual course pages, like this lesson, to help answer common questions – this will help keep your support and help tickets manageable so you don’t get overwhelmed with the same questions over and over again.


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